Site : Hunter's Lake

Id : 122
Author(s) :
Rodney Scott Anderson
Contributor(s) :
Rodney Scott Anderson

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Hunter's Lake_core1 1 1427 8 show


Name Hunter's Lake
Region Temperate North America
Type, subtype Lacustrine, Lacustrine
Catch size (km²) 0
Basin size (km²) 0
Local vegetation NOTK
Land description Unknown


Anderson, R.S., Allen, C.D., Toney, J.L., Jass, R.B. and Bair, A.N. 2004. Holocene vegetation & fire regimes in subalpine & mixed conifer forests, southern Colorado & northern New Mexico, USA. Polen 14, 220. (abstract)
Anderson R.S. (unpublished data)


Scott Anderson sent depths for this record, but the influx rows do not match the depths; it appears the influx was interpolated to decades
Added the 2015-03-19 by Jennifer Marlon
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